Rove Hatred Could Cost Dems In '08
Karl Rove is at it again, and I love it. Taking a page right from his 2004 championship playbook, the “Boy Genius” began spinning a web of treachery during his recent Hillary bashing tour, a web of treachery that if left unchecked could cost the Democrats the White House in 2008.
As I watch the beginning stages of Rove’s plan for 2008 unfold, I have to wonder: are Democrats really this stupid? With exactly one year until the Democratic National Convention, I will gleefully say that the answer appears to be yes. To understand the present state of Democratic idiocy, it is important to revisit 2004.
For four years, I have been arguing that if Democrats had selected Sen. John Edwards of
Well Democrats, say hello to former Rove associate and lieutenant Matthew Dowd. According to Peter Wallsten in Sunday’s Los Angeles Times, Mr. Dowd, during a post-mortem conference on the 2004 election at
For Republican strategists, Edwards was seen as the real threat to Bush 43 because of “his Southern base, charismatic style and populist message.” Therefore, to make sure Edwards did not receive the Democratic nomination, they chose to attack Kerry. By attacking Kerry, Rove and his cronies rightfully believed that Democrats would rally around him and make him the party’s nominee. Obviously, Rove and company were right on the money in 2004.
Now the question becomes, why attack Senator Clinton? Three reasons come to mind.
First, by attacking Sen. Clinton, Rove is hoping that Democratic hatred for him will translate into a
Second, Sen. Clinton has chinks in her armor that Republicans can exploit. As Mr. Rove recently noted, “‘[
Finally, as Republicans scurry to reinvent themselves for 2008, Rove rightfully knows that attacking Sen. Obama and Citizen Edwards will only strengthen their respective candidacies to the detriment of Republicans. Let us remember that Obama did not assume office until after
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